
Baked Beans is designed to be sustainable but also profitable with a initial built-in mechanism that punishes the investor for withdrawing too regularly which incentivizes compounding and reinvesting your daily rewards. During our level 2 upgrade rollouts, this mechanism will be integrated into the Debuff system.

During our level 1 release, the daily APR reward is maxed out at 4.9%. This percentage is tied to the Total Value Locked(TVL) of the program contract and will decrease if users eat too frequently. This feature will be integrated into the Debuff system during our level 2 upgrade rollouts for better transparency and reporting.

Note: It is encourage to follow the 6:1 Protocol to decrease the impact of the Eating Fatigue Debuff.

6:1 Protocol

The 6:1 Protocol as outlined in the Original BNBMiner documentation, states that the optimal profit generation can be obtain by Rebaking 6 days and Eating 1 Day per week.

Total Value Locked(TVL)

The Total Value Locked(TVL) is the total amount of Solana in the master staking pool. The daily rewards percentage is subject to fluctuate depending on the TVL in the pool.

Development Fee

To help sustain and maintain the ecosystem, a development fee of 7.4% is applied on all initial investments and withdrawals. Depending on investor feedback during our voting sessions, this percentage is subject to change during future upgrade rollouts.


To encourage growth and enhance your earning potential, we offer a 5.6% bonus on all deposits made through your referral link, found at the bottom of the Baked Beans dApp. During our level 3 upgrade rollouts, Buff's and Gem's bought through the Baked Beans Store can be used to increase your referral APR percentage. Note: Referral APR is subject to change depending on investor voting feedback.

Baked Beans Store

During our level 3 upgrade rollouts, the Baked Beans Store will be released with a handful of speciality items which can be used to increase your daily APR, decrease debuff effects, and increase your referral link APR. Items from the store will be purchased with Solana or Baked Beans Token's at a discount. Funds from the store go back into the TVL to further increase its stability.

Debuff System

The Debuff system, which will be rolled out during our level 2 upgrade, will contain multiple sustainability features, such as Eating Fatigue, Full Can of Beans, and MIA. The debuff system is detailed more thoroughly further in this whitepaper.

Last updated